Tuesday 21 October 2014
Taurus Bar, 1 Canal Street
(just five minutes walk from Piccadilly station)
7.30pm doors open for 8pm start
First of all, there's a good chance you haven't witnessed Laura and Ted in the flesh before... they're relatively new to the gigging circuit, but you might recognise Laura's name as she's recently been made director of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library at Cecil Sharp House in London. So she certainly knows her stuff! The duo have recently released their debut EP and we're looking forward to their thoughtful interpretations of lesser known traditional material, with a Manchester and Lancashire bias. Laura and Ted often perform with Laurel Swift, who you will have seen leaping through the air with a variety of different morris sides. To have a sneak preview, take a listen here.
Laura and Ted were also members of The Beech Band, before they left Manchester for the big smoke, so we're delighted that the band will be on hand to regale us with songs and tunes. For more information about The Beech, please visit their website.