Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Village Folk Club with Dr Butler's Hatstand Medicine Band

15th October 2013
Taurus Bar, 1 Canal Street (just five minutes walk from Piccadilly station)
7.30pm doors open for 8pm start
£6.00 / £4.00 concessions

In a little change to our programme, we now have Dr Butler's Hatstand Medicine Band joining us on Tuesday 15th October, rather than the previously advertised Bo Weavil.

You may have seen Dr Butler's in some unusual places over the past few years... folk trains, art galleries, festival stages, birthday parties... They describe themselves as 'a trav­el­ling troupe of mu­si­co­lo­gical min­strels, ped­dling the good Doc­tor's unique good-time tonic to all four corners of the land.'
Their music is a rag-tag mix of old timey jazz and blues, some swing and ragtime, with a folky treatment - so you never know quite what you're going to get!